Wednesday, December 14, 2011

5 cups

Image from

Before Thanksgiving, I experimented for 2 days with consuming 5 cups of veggies and fruits, for low-calorie and fibrous nutrition. The reason for five cups? A typical serving size of fruits or veggies is half of a cup, it is suggested to have 5-9 servings per day, and 5 cups yields 10 servings. 'Turns out that all the water and fiber from the fruits and veggies filled me up, so that together with other carbs and protein, I ended up consuming less than half of my usual calories for each day. So I've taken a break from daily calorie tracking (since February), and instead have had as my daily goal to eat 5 cups of fruits or veggies each day. It certainly saves time without all that recording and trying to plan calories ahead of time, and now all I have to think about in the mornings is how I'm going to get my five throughout the day, i.e. frozen blueberries, spinach, oranges, apples, celery, etc. The other carbs and protein will fill in as desired, i.e. peanut butter, whey powder, chicken, bread, etc. Between constant calorie counting and the just 5 method, the just 5 method is much easier, less time-consuming, and does not create the urge to consume more calories as does the calorie counting method. I might test out this method sometime and see over time how I'm stacking up in the calories using this method... ahem, after the holiday season. unfortunately, the acceptance of sweets and fats are probably pushing me over the edge.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Getting Organized

I love my Magna Visual porcelain magnetic calendars and I use one of them to track exercise by week. I'll indicate the date of the month, time of activity (H:MM), and type of activity ("C" for cardio, "F" for flexibility, and "S" for strength).

I don't use all the magnets that come with it, nor their markers. I love the magnetic markers with built-in erasers by Board Dudes (see the colorful set below).

Insanity Fit Test, Rounds 1 and 2

Insanity Fit Test, Round 1

Insanity Fit Test, Round 2

It's been a couple of months since my last round of Insanity. To round out my low-impact routine, I've added the following DVDs: P90X Core Synergistics (for core strength and some stretching, without any of the jumping; I record it in myfitnesspal as "Stretching, hatha yoga, 57 minutes"), P90X Yoga (first 50 minutes), and P90X Ab Ripper X (15 minutes).

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Cute bunny pic from here.


A few days ago, my husband and I toasted, "To doin' it all, while maintaining balance." Last night, we finally shared the business plans with a select few, and they loved them. I may be very busy in 3 related businesses: a product (which I have contemplated for years, but am only this year focusing on), distribution (a complementary business), and servicing (our newest and most exciting enterprise). The latter business would be very labor-intensive and capital-intensive... Since we've returned from kayaking the Grand Canyon and are now okay with starting a family, I would need to keep priorities in check, delegate, and learn to relax so I can get precious and necessary sleep.

Other News...

I did my first chin-up without a head-start jump!

I am taking a break from high-impact Insanity cardio. Mixing up the workouts:

1) Stationary bike sprinting intervals, with core/back/arm/leg strength and flexibility floor work
2) Stationary biking with moderate effort over a longer period of time (while watching Netflix)
3) Strength and flexibility exercises using the Insanity Cardio Recovery DVD or Insanity Max Cardio Recovery DVD

Using a wall calendar to record the workouts and workout days. 'Have challenged the Bryan (even though we are on different levels of ability). :)

Thursday, October 13, 2011


They're real! Image from here.

Random Links on Diet, Exercise & Sleep

Many Insanity grads go on to CrossFit cults and paleo diets. After two rounds of Insanity, now I'm leaning more towards combining low-impact cardio workouts & some high intensity interval training with strength & flexibility exercises. Still, I found some interesting links after searching for these terms...

"CrossFit vs. Insanity" led me to a general blog entry about sleep:

"low impact max interval training" led me to a blog of a woman whose ideas on diet & exercise remind me of my own (except for butter on her shopping list!):

Limbo week for me, but hopeful for a resolution soon...

I have a product whose process I was thinking of patenting, but found out this week that there is now a company that produces something very similar and is following the same business model that I would have followed... My heart sunk when I found them... I don't think they pursued a patent, which negates the main way I would have pursued mine (the invention is no longer "new, non-obvious, and functional"). In some ways, the fact this company now exists 1) makes things easier in terms of a liability standpoint, and 2) shows there may be a growing market in this product area since I'm not the only one who thought of it and I've seen several blogs mention a need for it. However, it has me 1) re-thinking my business plan (how to compete with this competitor and possible future competitors, or how to develop a complementary service vs. competitive product), and 2) whether I want to go into a new business at all. I know that if I do proceed, I would like to keep my faith, family, and health as priorities. It is important to me that my home and family life stay stable as we may be starting a family soon, I am disciplined with sleep (I've seen the lack of it catch up with the health and lives of a several entrepreneurial and hardworking friends and colleagues), and keep what I do multi-purposeful and meaningful.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Where's the balance?

Cute bunny pic from here.

Last week I did my very first chin-up! Albeit with a little jump to start, and only one at a time (5 on Wednesday, 5 on Thursday).

I have a theory that over time, lack of sleep and too much stress can have very bad effects on one's body... Speaking of which... I need to get some sleep! Too much unhealthy food and too little exercise today. My body is definitely feeling it... Argh!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Back on Track

Cute bunny pic from here.

First full day back home and back on track with diet and exercise, and keeping up the great sleep schedule we had during our trip! New low-impact interval cardio/strength/flexibility workout, and with Bryan!

Exercise (morning)
10 minutes exercise bike for cardio warm up
stretching & flexibility lead by Stephanie
1 minute sprint on exercise bike
core and back strength lead by Bryan
1 minute sprint on exercise bike
core and back strength lead by Bryan
1 minute sprint on exercise bike
core and back strength lead by Bryan

Diet (morning)
Designer Whey Protein 100 calorie scoop
Fiber One 80 cereal

9pm in bed, 7am arise

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I'm well into my 2nd month of my 2nd round of Insanity DVDs! I've definitely been building up some upper body strength. A month ago I accidentally broke a shower faucet handle and two light switches (and fixed them myself--thank you, Home Depot). Last week I was able to do a few chin-ups in a row from the ground up, without jumping up halfway. Feelin' a bit aggro and a bit of a handywoman, like I've got grrl power! >:)

This weekend, I read aloud a sign and Bryan said, "Wow, you can read that? Your eyesight is better than mine!" Oops! o.O

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Things that make you go, "Hmm..."


I'm in my second month of my second round of Insanity. I missed a few days and had to make them up from weekend trips kayaking.

I have not gotten hurt nor sore from Insanity. Considering all the jumping and intensity, the precautions and protein I've taken seem to have helped. However, I've been trying to get my combat roll ready for a whitewater kayaking trip, and I think in the process I somehow made my right hip twitch from attempting to hand roll, hurt my left knee on the way to the river, and got sore from not stretching before and after roll practice. Dang it!

I have not looked into it yet, but I'm skeptical of food items that claim to have fiber in them, but don't look like they have fiber in them. For example, "whole grain white bread" seems like an oxymoron to me. Do these items really help in the same way as natural, unrefined fiber that you can see, i.e. in raw vegetables, fiber one original (little bits of rope!), whole fruits, whole grain, etc.?

Dear Wonder bread, I love your texture, and I will still eat you with peanut butter! You make me go, "Mmm..." :9

Thursday, July 21, 2011

It's 1:45 a.m. o.O

I did not work out hard enough today. Dang it! ><

32-minute Insanity Cardio Recovery DVD (which I input into myfitnesspal as "Stretching, hatha yoga" vs. "Aerobics, high-impact") and bellydance class.

The letter "z" in triplicate, please! -.-

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Better than 20/20! Seeing 20/15 :)

Cute bunny drawing from here.

Two weeks later, and I'm seeing better than 20/20! I think the national statistic is something like 80% of LASIK patients achieve 20/20 or better, while 15% need further enhancements? Well, technician Amanda had me reading the 20/15 line (better than 20/20), and backwards, just in case I was memorizing! The 20/10 line escaped me though--I could see different sized black/gray dots.

Bryan took a look at my right eye and said, "Awesome!" My carefulness with not wearing any makeup nor sunscreen for two weeks, but putting in lots of drops and wearing sunglasses and hats really seemed to help. He was silent for a while on the left eye... It still looked a bit dry, so now I'm ramping up the various eyedrops... 'Still a little bit of red in the whites of my eyes, leftover from the suction that they put over eyes during the procedure, but I no longer feel I have to hide behind my sunglasses. I will continue to wear a lot of UV protection for the next 6 months until my next follow-up exam.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Color me happy

This background was chosen to represent some upcoming travel... The brown is getting a bit drab for me. How about some summertime watermelon stripes?

Diet. Exercise. Sleep.

What is the secret to staying fit? Surprise, surprise. Diet and exercise! And sleep! But how does one go about achieving all three?

Some years ago, my father had quintuple bypass surgery. It was a wake up call to everyone to eat healthier. The foods we ate changed, but portion sizes didn't. We also didn't REALLY exercise. We didn't really know HOW to exercise.

I have a family history of heart disease. My grandmother has had a couple of strokes. My grandfather had as well, and passed away because of one. My mother had a mild stroke, and two stints. My grandmother does not look fat, but that cholesterol build-up is somewhere on the inside, in her arteries...

In February of this year, I set out on a quest to get fit and develop a health plan for my parents. In the process, I've learned a few things I'd love to share with you. Below are some basics. I'll follow up in subsequent posts with details of what foods and methods I've found to work for me, including excerpts from things I've written to my workout buddies during my ongoing journey of health and well-being.


I've found that the easiest way for me to determine how many calories to consume in a day is to use the automatic calorie wizard on When I first started to track calories, it was difficult. I thought obsessively about food and portion sizes. I learned to find low-calorie, yet filling foods. Slowly, my body got used to ingesting the suggested number of calories and the calories I "earned" from working out. Then I was able to find healthier, low-calorie foods. More details later.


Remember these three things: cardio, strength, and flexibility.

You will need all three throughout your life to be fit -- yes, even if you are a female above 50 years young, you need to develop a strong core to have better balance and not be prone to falling.

A couple of years ago, I chickened out to try Insanity. I knew it was what I needed to get fit, but I had heard about too much impact on the joints and many injuries, so I purchased P90X instead. I somehow could not stick to P90X past 5 weeks. Fast forward to this year, I took many precautions to protect joints, and I "earned" my Insanity T-shirt from completing the program. Now I'm on my second week of my second round of Insanity, getting geared up for kayaking the Grand Canyon soon. Not only can I do chin-ups (something I was never able to do before), but I can do 5 in a row (granted, with a jump up in the beginning, and half-bent arms).


If you have a full-time job, developing a daily plan for diet and exercise along with getting enough sleep is very difficult. Maximize the calorie-burning potential of your workouts by interval training or max interval training. Basically, (warm-up and stretch for flexibility and injury prevention,) do short bursts of intense and varied exercises to get your heart rate up (to safe levels with a heart rate monitor), with short rest periods (and drink a LOT of water and eat enough protein to replenish your body and reduce soreness). Plan your meals a week ahead, perhaps during the weekend, with lots of filling raw veggies in individual to-go containers or plastic zip-bags.

I'm one of those people who, without exercising, is mostly sedentary in her work. So at night, I still have a lot of energy left and have trouble sleeping. Working out hard seems to actually help regulate my sleep schedule. On days that I work out, at night I fall asleep very quickly, sleep deeply, sleep continuously for a longer period of time, and wake up feeling refreshed the next day.


The above info is a combination of my own experience and research. I am currently not a "fitness professional" nor dietician. There are many different ways to track calories and burn calories, and each individual's circumstances are different. Research what you need to tailor your own plan for health and well-being.

Friday, July 8, 2011

TGIF - Thank Goodness I'm Four-eyes-free!

I'm very much against underage/excessive alcohol-drinking and other lame escapist tendencies, but I'm all about partying on with natural highs and this video is pretty funny. Cheers to perfect vision! (And no more alternating-color rubber-band braces...)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

I can read my shampoo bottle ingredients!

I CAN SEE!!! I was reading the 20/20 line the morning after LASIK. (The first day Valium made me so sleepy.) Shout out and major props to Dr. Bryan and the awesome staff... I will describe more about my experience soon...

I've been having fun sporting all kinds of sunglasses...

'Bummed that I can't swim for 2 weeks! I missed out riding Riverpark's multiple waterslides at today's July-3rd July 4th celebration, but I took a bunch of pics (to come) of other people flying down! Great way to cool off on a hot summer day.

I'm glad that I'm getting LASIK now though. Planning on going kayaking/camping in the Grand Canyon in a few months, and I definitely don't want to be fiddling with contacts then.

Soon, I'll be posting more about diet, exercise, and sleep...

Friday, July 1, 2011

New look!

Old fuzzy background.

There is some residual redness in the white parts of my eye, which is normal. It's from the suction that goes around the eye during the procedure. To commemorate this redness, I am using this watercolory, artsy background. Ew! Don't worry, it'll change, as I will, soon.

Seeing 20/20! B)

Image from here.

Had LASIK yesterday afternoon, slept a lot, went in for check up this morning, seeing 20/20! :) Wearing sunglasses. B) Still sleepy from the valium (I'm a lightweight). -.-

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Other Delays and Delayed Confessions

Cookie-stealing bunny.

After wearing glasses and contacts for so many years, my eyes had to be refracted multiple times, dilated, wave-scanned and adjust to only wearing glasses for at least a month before LASIK. When I switched out of my contact lenses, it was kind of embarrassing to be caught as the wife of an eye doctor with only one pair of old glasses with a prescription from like, 7 years ago. I'd like to say it's kind of like the car mechanic whose own car is in need of repair or the gourmet chef who comes home and eats a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but it's really my own fault.

Remorseful bunny.

Even worse still (and here goes an egregious confession for those in eye care, bound to astound my husband and his technician staff--sorry, y'all!), I finally got rid of a box of toric contact lenses with I-don't-know-how-old prescriptions, over-worn for way longer than the prescribed 2 months each. Oopsie! Heh heh... heh?

So, I owe a huge thanks to Bryan for his patience with my fluctuating eye chart readings. (Dang, you, E F P T O Z C! Or G.. And uh... maybe 2? No, Z!... Wait, D?!) Meanwhile, it turned out we had to treat my dry eyes with Restasis prescription drops. Now it's been about two months that I've had to wear some new frames (more about that later), but now I'm ready! I'm super excited!

I admit I've fallen asleep in my contacts, but only a handful of times. Okay, maybe two or three handfuls. Falling asleep in your contacts is like, the cardinal sin of contact lens wearers. YOU COULD LOSE AN EYE. Seriously, if you keep those suckers in for too long, bacterial infections could develop and lead to a corneal ulcer and transplant, or even blindness!

Monday, June 27, 2011

So I Married an Eye Doctor (2009) - IMDB*

Have you seen the movie, So I Married an Eye Doctor (2009)?

In 2006, we meet and I'm "very cute" and he's "not sore on the eyes..." In 2007, we start dating and I learn how to spell 'ophthalmology'... In 2008, our parents meet for the first time at the resident physicians' Eye Ball... In 2009, we get married and rent an apartment next door to his fellowship work at an eye care practice. In 2010, he joins his father's eye care practice and we buy a house five minutes from the office. In 2011, HE ZAPS MY EYEBALLS...

Why haven't I gotten LASIK yet? Am I going to let my husband perform the procedure?

Since our engagement and especially when we settled into permanent digs, people have asked me these questions.

In general, a lot of people feel that getting medical care from a physician who is your own family member is a no-no. Personal emotions, what if something goes wrong, etc. Well, I say, YES-YES, who other than a family member would be better to take care of your health? Of course I'm going to go with someone in whom I trust and have complete faith, someone who loves and cares about me deeply.

I admit, in the beginning, while Bryan was in fellowship, I wanted to hold out until he had had more experience. Yes, today's most technologically advanced LASIK with all-LASER Intralase procedure is more safe, more precise, more comfortable (and more expensive) than the traditional method of cutting the corneal flap with a blade. And yes, though Bryan had already been licensed to laser eyeballs and proven to be surgically talented with so many patients seeing 20/20 and some seeing even better than 20/20, I wanted to wait and 'see.' We talked about having his fellowship director perform the procedure, or waiting a year for his Dad to do the LASIK at his own practice (which would have been less expensive than having it done at the fellowship), but I really wanted to wait and let Bryan do it after he got settled into his dad's practice. So I helped promote his services during his fellowship locally and now at the family's eye care practice, I continue to be his biggest fan.

Yes, being married to an ophthalmologist has its benefits, but Intralase LASIK still comes at cost. "Click fees" and hefty benjamins get sent to the equipment companies and surgery center each time the LASIK button is pushed -- not cheap! And since we've become more cost-conscious after buying an older (and lovely) home and paying for all the expenses that come with caring for it, I've used this reasoning as my excuse.

Soon, I'll have a good "AFTER" pic to show you... Brace yourself--here's the "BEFORE" pic...


Glorious 6th grade neon. YES!

As promised, I'm bravely exposing a "Back in the Day" pic from an "ugly year." I know you just winced, cringed, and/or shuddered. Look away! Shield thine eyes!

Stay tuned for the horror show prequel -- my 4th grade school portrait with Coke-bottle thick, "granny glasses" (no offense to Grandma, thank goodness her perfect vision after cataract surgery does not have access to the Internet).

*Ref. Mike Myers' comedy/crime/romance film, So I Married an Axe Murderer (1993) - IMDb... And you thought "IMDB" stood for "Internet Movie DataBase." Haha! Could it be, I aM Drunk Blogging? NOT! I'll tell you what it means: I Married Dr. Bryan.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Welcome to My Fuzzy World!

Hi, folks! Thanks for checking out my first public blog! I'm here to share with you my experiences in improving health and well-being. My first little bunny tale will be about getting LASIK. Hence, my pre-LASIK fuzzy background view of the world. I'll have some embarrassing "before" pics to bravely show you!!! It will also be my way of reminding myself to put in my Restasis eye drops to treat dry eye. I can't wait to get out of these glasses and contacts! Every now and then, I'll have a cute bunny pic to cheer you on and brighten your day. One of the guys who takes care of our lawn today said he caught a glimpse of a baby bunny in our yard! About 4" tiny. I "hop" to see it soon! I imagine it looks like the one above (and posted here).