Thursday, June 16, 2011

Welcome to My Fuzzy World!

Hi, folks! Thanks for checking out my first public blog! I'm here to share with you my experiences in improving health and well-being. My first little bunny tale will be about getting LASIK. Hence, my pre-LASIK fuzzy background view of the world. I'll have some embarrassing "before" pics to bravely show you!!! It will also be my way of reminding myself to put in my Restasis eye drops to treat dry eye. I can't wait to get out of these glasses and contacts! Every now and then, I'll have a cute bunny pic to cheer you on and brighten your day. One of the guys who takes care of our lawn today said he caught a glimpse of a baby bunny in our yard! About 4" tiny. I "hop" to see it soon! I imagine it looks like the one above (and posted here).

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