Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Cute bunny pic from here.


A few days ago, my husband and I toasted, "To doin' it all, while maintaining balance." Last night, we finally shared the business plans with a select few, and they loved them. I may be very busy in 3 related businesses: a product (which I have contemplated for years, but am only this year focusing on), distribution (a complementary business), and servicing (our newest and most exciting enterprise). The latter business would be very labor-intensive and capital-intensive... Since we've returned from kayaking the Grand Canyon and are now okay with starting a family, I would need to keep priorities in check, delegate, and learn to relax so I can get precious and necessary sleep.

Other News...

I did my first chin-up without a head-start jump!

I am taking a break from high-impact Insanity cardio. Mixing up the workouts:

1) Stationary bike sprinting intervals, with core/back/arm/leg strength and flexibility floor work
2) Stationary biking with moderate effort over a longer period of time (while watching Netflix)
3) Strength and flexibility exercises using the Insanity Cardio Recovery DVD or Insanity Max Cardio Recovery DVD

Using a wall calendar to record the workouts and workout days. 'Have challenged the Bryan (even though we are on different levels of ability). :)

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