Thursday, October 13, 2011


They're real! Image from here.

Random Links on Diet, Exercise & Sleep

Many Insanity grads go on to CrossFit cults and paleo diets. After two rounds of Insanity, now I'm leaning more towards combining low-impact cardio workouts & some high intensity interval training with strength & flexibility exercises. Still, I found some interesting links after searching for these terms...

"CrossFit vs. Insanity" led me to a general blog entry about sleep:

"low impact max interval training" led me to a blog of a woman whose ideas on diet & exercise remind me of my own (except for butter on her shopping list!):

Limbo week for me, but hopeful for a resolution soon...

I have a product whose process I was thinking of patenting, but found out this week that there is now a company that produces something very similar and is following the same business model that I would have followed... My heart sunk when I found them... I don't think they pursued a patent, which negates the main way I would have pursued mine (the invention is no longer "new, non-obvious, and functional"). In some ways, the fact this company now exists 1) makes things easier in terms of a liability standpoint, and 2) shows there may be a growing market in this product area since I'm not the only one who thought of it and I've seen several blogs mention a need for it. However, it has me 1) re-thinking my business plan (how to compete with this competitor and possible future competitors, or how to develop a complementary service vs. competitive product), and 2) whether I want to go into a new business at all. I know that if I do proceed, I would like to keep my faith, family, and health as priorities. It is important to me that my home and family life stay stable as we may be starting a family soon, I am disciplined with sleep (I've seen the lack of it catch up with the health and lives of a several entrepreneurial and hardworking friends and colleagues), and keep what I do multi-purposeful and meaningful.

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