Monday, June 27, 2011

So I Married an Eye Doctor (2009) - IMDB*

Have you seen the movie, So I Married an Eye Doctor (2009)?

In 2006, we meet and I'm "very cute" and he's "not sore on the eyes..." In 2007, we start dating and I learn how to spell 'ophthalmology'... In 2008, our parents meet for the first time at the resident physicians' Eye Ball... In 2009, we get married and rent an apartment next door to his fellowship work at an eye care practice. In 2010, he joins his father's eye care practice and we buy a house five minutes from the office. In 2011, HE ZAPS MY EYEBALLS...

Why haven't I gotten LASIK yet? Am I going to let my husband perform the procedure?

Since our engagement and especially when we settled into permanent digs, people have asked me these questions.

In general, a lot of people feel that getting medical care from a physician who is your own family member is a no-no. Personal emotions, what if something goes wrong, etc. Well, I say, YES-YES, who other than a family member would be better to take care of your health? Of course I'm going to go with someone in whom I trust and have complete faith, someone who loves and cares about me deeply.

I admit, in the beginning, while Bryan was in fellowship, I wanted to hold out until he had had more experience. Yes, today's most technologically advanced LASIK with all-LASER Intralase procedure is more safe, more precise, more comfortable (and more expensive) than the traditional method of cutting the corneal flap with a blade. And yes, though Bryan had already been licensed to laser eyeballs and proven to be surgically talented with so many patients seeing 20/20 and some seeing even better than 20/20, I wanted to wait and 'see.' We talked about having his fellowship director perform the procedure, or waiting a year for his Dad to do the LASIK at his own practice (which would have been less expensive than having it done at the fellowship), but I really wanted to wait and let Bryan do it after he got settled into his dad's practice. So I helped promote his services during his fellowship locally and now at the family's eye care practice, I continue to be his biggest fan.

Yes, being married to an ophthalmologist has its benefits, but Intralase LASIK still comes at cost. "Click fees" and hefty benjamins get sent to the equipment companies and surgery center each time the LASIK button is pushed -- not cheap! And since we've become more cost-conscious after buying an older (and lovely) home and paying for all the expenses that come with caring for it, I've used this reasoning as my excuse.

Soon, I'll have a good "AFTER" pic to show you... Brace yourself--here's the "BEFORE" pic...


Glorious 6th grade neon. YES!

As promised, I'm bravely exposing a "Back in the Day" pic from an "ugly year." I know you just winced, cringed, and/or shuddered. Look away! Shield thine eyes!

Stay tuned for the horror show prequel -- my 4th grade school portrait with Coke-bottle thick, "granny glasses" (no offense to Grandma, thank goodness her perfect vision after cataract surgery does not have access to the Internet).

*Ref. Mike Myers' comedy/crime/romance film, So I Married an Axe Murderer (1993) - IMDb... And you thought "IMDB" stood for "Internet Movie DataBase." Haha! Could it be, I aM Drunk Blogging? NOT! I'll tell you what it means: I Married Dr. Bryan.

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